Examples and Tests


The MCMCLib API follows a relatively simple convention, with most algorithms called using the following syntax:

algorithm_id(<initial values>, <log posterior kernel function of the target distribution>, <storage for posterior draws>, <additional data for the log posterior kernel function>);

The inputs, in order, are:

  • A vector of initial values used to define the starting point of the algorithm.

  • A user-specified function that returns the log posterior kernel value of the target distribution.

  • An array to store the posterior draws.

  • The final input is optional: it is any object that contains additional data necessary to evaluate the log posterior kernel function.

For example, the RWMH algorithm is called using

rwmh(const ColVec_t& initial_vals, std::function<fp_t (const ColVec_t& vals_inp, void* target_data)> target_log_kernel, Mat_t& draws_out, void* target_data);


The code below uses the RWMH algorithm generate draws of the mean of a Gaussian likelihood function.

#include "mcmc.hpp"

eigen_randn_colvec(size_t nr)
    static std::mt19937 gen{ std::random_device{}() };
    static std::normal_distribution<> dist;

    return Eigen::VectorXd{ nr }.unaryExpr([&](double x) { (void)(x); return dist(gen); });

struct norm_data_t {
    double sigma;
    Eigen::VectorXd x;

    double mu_0;
    double sigma_0;

double ll_dens(const Eigen::VectorXd& vals_inp, void* ll_data)
    const double pi = 3.14159265358979;


    const double mu = vals_inp(0);

    norm_data_t* dta = reinterpret_cast<norm_data_t*>(ll_data);
    const double sigma = dta->sigma;
    const Eigen::VectorXd x = dta->x;

    const int n_vals = x.size();


    const double ret = - n_vals * (0.5 * std::log(2*pi) + std::log(sigma)) - (x.array() - mu).pow(2).sum() / (2*sigma*sigma);


    return ret;

double log_pr_dens(const Eigen::VectorXd& vals_inp, void* ll_data)
    const double pi = 3.14159265358979;


    norm_data_t* dta = reinterpret_cast< norm_data_t* >(ll_data);

    const double mu_0 = dta->mu_0;
    const double sigma_0 = dta->sigma_0;

    const double x = vals_inp(0);

    const double ret = - 0.5*std::log(2*pi) - std::log(sigma_0) - std::pow(x - mu_0,2) / (2*sigma_0*sigma_0);

    return ret;

double log_target_dens(const Eigen::VectorXd& vals_inp, void* ll_data)
    return ll_dens(vals_inp,ll_data) + log_pr_dens(vals_inp,ll_data);

int main()
    const int n_data = 100;
    const double mu = 2.0;

    norm_data_t dta;
    dta.sigma = 1.0;
    dta.mu_0 = 1.0;
    dta.sigma_0 = 2.0;

    Eigen::VectorXd x_dta = mu + eigen_randn_colvec(n_data).array();
    dta.x = x_dta;

    Eigen::VectorXd initial_val(1);
    initial_val(0) = 1.0;


    mcmc::algo_settings_t settings;

    settings.rwmh_settings.par_scale = 0.4;
    settings.rwmh_settings.n_burnin_draws = 2000;
    settings.rwmh_settings.n_keep_draws = 2000;


    Eigen::MatrixXd draws_out;
    mcmc::rwmh(initial_val, log_target_dens, draws_out, &dta, settings);


    std::cout << "de mean:\n" << draws_out.colwise().mean() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "acceptance rate: " << static_cast<double>(settings.rwmh_settings.n_accept_draws) / settings.rwmh_settings.n_keep_draws << std::endl;


    return 0;

On x86-based computers, this example can be compiled using:

g++ -Wall -std=c++14 -O3 -mcpu=native -ffp-contract=fast -I$EIGEN_INCLUDE_PATH -I./../../include/ rwmh_normal_mean.cpp -o rwmh_normal_mean.out -L./../.. -lmcmc

Test suite

You can build the test suite as follows:

# compile tests
cd ./tests
cd ./examples
./configure -l eigen