Adaptive Equi-Energy Sampler

Table of contents

Algorithm Description

The Adaptive Equi-Energy Sampler (AEES) algorithm is a Markov Chain Monte Carlo method designed to generate samples from multi-modal target distributions. See Kou, Zhou, Wong (2006) for details of the standard equi-energy sampler, and Schreck, Fort, Moulines (2013) for the adaptive version (presented here).

Let \(\theta_k^{(i)}\) denote a \(d\)-dimensional vector of stored values at stage \(i\) of the algorithm, drawn from target distribution \(\pi_k\), where \(k \in \{ 0, 1, \ldots, K \}\) and \(K\) denotes the number of energy rings. We will use the following notation to define a tempered target distribution:

\[\pi_k (\theta) \propto \exp( - H(\theta | X) / T_k)\]

where \(T_k\) denotes the temperature (with \(T_0 = 1\)) and \(H\) denotes the energy function (i.e., the negative of the log-posterior kernel function).

The AEES algorithm proceeds as follows.

  1. Sample \(\theta_K^{(i+1)} \sim \pi_K\) using Metropolis-Hastings.

  2. for \(k \in \{ K - 1, K - 2, \ldots, 0 \}\) do: if \(i > (K-k) \times (\) n_initial_draws + n_burnin_draws \()\):

  1. Sample \(z \sim U(0,1)\)

  2. (Local move) if \(z >\) ee_prob_par, sample \(\theta_k^{(i+1)} \sim \pi_k\) using Metropolis-Hastings.

  3. (Equi-energy move) if \(z \leq\) ee_prob_par:

  • construct n_rings number of evenly spaced energy rings using previous draws from \(\pi_{k+1}\): \(\{ \theta_{k+1}^{(0)}, \ldots, \theta_{k+1}^{(i)} \}\).

    \[\alpha = \min \left\{ 1, \dfrac{\pi_{k}(\theta_k^{(*)})}{\pi_{k+1}(\theta_k^{(*)})} \dfrac{\pi_{k+1}(\theta_k^{(i)})}{\pi_{k}(\theta_k^{(i)})} \right\}\]


    \[\theta_k^{(i+1)} = \begin{cases} \theta_k^{(*)} & \text{ with probability } \alpha \\ \theta_k^{(i)} & \text{ else } \end{cases}\]

The algorithm stops when the number of draws reaches n_initial_draws + n_burnin_draws + n_keep_draws, and returns the final n_keep_draws number of draws.

Function Declarations

bool aees(const ColVec_t &initial_vals, std::function<fp_t(const ColVec_t &vals_inp, void *target_data)> target_log_kernel, Mat_t &draws_out, void *target_data)

The Adaptive Equi-Energy MCMC Algorithm.

  • initial_vals – a column vector of initial values.

  • target_log_kernel – the log posterior kernel function of the target distribution, taking two arguments:

    • vals_inp a vector of inputs; and

    • target_data additional data passed to the user-provided function.

  • draws_out – a matrix of posterior draws, where each row represents one draw.

  • target_data – additional data passed to the user-provided function.


a boolean value indicating successful completion of the sampling algorithm.

bool aees(const ColVec_t &initial_vals, std::function<fp_t(const ColVec_t &vals_inp, void *target_data)> target_log_kernel, Mat_t &draws_out, void *target_data, algo_settings_t &settings)

The Adaptive Equi-Energy MCMC Algorithm.

  • initial_vals – a column vector of initial values.

  • target_log_kernel – the log posterior kernel function of the target distribution, taking two arguments:

    • vals_inp a vector of inputs; and

    • target_data additional data passed to the user-provided function.

  • draws_out – a matrix of posterior draws, where each row represents one draw.

  • target_data – additional data passed to the user-provided function.

  • settings – parameters controlling the sampling algorithm.


a boolean value indicating successful completion of the sampling algorithm.

Control Parameters

The basic control parameters are:

  • size_t aees_settings.n_initial_draws: number of initial draws.

  • size_t aees_settings.n_burnin_draws: number of burn-in draws.

  • size_t aees_settings.n_keep_draws: number of draws to keep (post sample burn-in period).

  • bool vals_bound: whether the search space of the algorithm is bounded. If true, then

    • ColVec_t lower_bounds: defines the lower bounds of the search space.

    • ColVec_t upper_bounds: defines the upper bounds of the search space.

Additional settings:

  • int aees_settings.omp_n_threads: the number of OpenMP threads to use.

    • Default value: -1 (use all available threads divided by 2).

  • fp_t aees_settings.par_scale: scaling parameter for Metropolis-Hastings draws.

    • Default value: 1.0.

  • Mat_t aees_settings.cov_mat: covariance matrix of Metropolis-Hastings draws.

    • Default value: diagonal matrix.

  • size_t aees_settings.n_rings: the number of energy rings.

    • Default value: 5.

  • fp_t aees_settings.ee_prob_par: the equi-energy sampling probability.

    • Default value: 0.10.

  • ColVec_t aees_settings.temper_vec: a vector of temperature values.


Gaussian Mixture Distribution

Code to run this example is given below.

Armadillo (Click to show/hide)

#include "mcmc.hpp"

struct mixture_data_t {
    arma::mat mu;
    arma::vec sig_sq;
    arma::vec weights;

gaussian_mixture(const arma::vec& X_vec_inp, const arma::vec& weights, const arma::mat& mu, const arma::vec& sig_sq)
    const double pi = arma::datum::pi;

    const int n_vals = X_vec_inp.n_elem;
    const int n_mix = weights.n_elem;


    double dens_val = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < n_mix; ++i) {
        const double dist_val = arma::accu(arma::pow(X_vec_inp - mu.col(i), 2));

        dens_val += weights(i) * std::exp(-0.5 * dist_val / sig_sq(i)) / std::pow(2.0 * pi * sig_sq(i), static_cast<double>(n_vals) / 2.0);


    return std::log(dens_val);

target_log_kernel(const arma::vec& vals_inp, void* target_data)
    mixture_data_t* dta = reinterpret_cast<mixture_data_t*>(target_data);

    return gaussian_mixture(vals_inp, dta->weights, dta->mu, dta->sig_sq);

int main()
    const int n_vals = 2;
    const int n_mix  = 2;


    arma::mat mu = arma::ones(n_vals, n_mix) + 1.0;
    mu.col(0) *= -1.0; // (-2, 2)

    arma::vec weights(n_mix, arma::fill::value(1.0 / n_mix));

    arma::vec sig_sq = 0.1 * arma::ones(n_mix);

    mixture_data_t dta; = mu;
    dta.sig_sq = sig_sq;
    dta.weights = weights;


    arma::vec T_vec(2);
    T_vec(0) = 60.0;
    T_vec(1) = 9.0;

    // settings

    mcmc::algo_settings_t settings;

    settings.aees_settings.n_initial_draws = 1000;
    settings.aees_settings.n_burnin_draws  = 1000;
    settings.aees_settings.n_keep_draws    = 20000;

    settings.aees_settings.n_rings = 11;
    settings.aees_settings.ee_prob_par = 0.05;
    settings.aees_settings.temper_vec = T_vec;

    settings.aees_settings.par_scale = 1.0;
    settings.aees_settings.cov_mat = 0.35 * arma::eye(n_vals, n_vals);


    arma::mat draws_out;

    mcmc::aees(mu.col(0), target_log_kernel, draws_out, &dta, settings);

    arma::cout << "posterior mean for > 0.1:\n" << arma::mean(draws_out.elem( arma::find(draws_out > 0.1) ), 0) << arma::endl;
    arma::cout << "posterior mean for < -0.1:\n" << arma::mean(draws_out.elem( arma::find(draws_out < -0.1) ), 0) << arma::endl;


    return 0;

Eigen (Click to show/hide)

#include "mcmc.hpp"

struct mixture_data_t {
    Eigen::MatrixXd mu;
    Eigen::VectorXd sig_sq;
    Eigen::VectorXd weights;

gaussian_mixture(const Eigen::VectorXd& X_vec_inp, const Eigen::VectorXd& weights, const Eigen::MatrixXd& mu, const Eigen::VectorXd& sig_sq)
    const double pi = 3.14159265358979;

    const int n_vals = X_vec_inp.size();
    const int n_mix = weights.size();


    double dens_val = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < n_mix; ++i) {
        const double dist_val = (X_vec_inp - mu.col(i)).array().pow(2).sum();

        dens_val += weights(i) * std::exp(-0.5 * dist_val / sig_sq(i)) / std::pow(2.0 * pi * sig_sq(i), static_cast<double>(n_vals) / 2.0);


    return std::log(dens_val);

target_log_kernel(const Eigen::VectorXd& vals_inp, void* target_data)
    mixture_data_t* dta = reinterpret_cast<mixture_data_t*>(target_data);

    return gaussian_mixture(vals_inp, dta->weights, dta->mu, dta->sig_sq);

int main()
    const int n_vals = 2;
    const int n_mix  = 2;


    Eigen::MatrixXd mu = Eigen::MatrixXd::Ones(n_vals, n_mix).array() + 1.0;
    mu.col(0) *= -1.0; // (-2, 2)

    Eigen::VectorXd weights = Eigen::VectorXd::Constant(n_mix, 1.0 / n_mix);

    Eigen::VectorXd sig_sq = 0.1 * Eigen::VectorXd::Ones(n_mix);

    mixture_data_t dta; = mu;
    dta.sig_sq = sig_sq;
    dta.weights = weights;


    Eigen::VectorXd T_vec(2);
    T_vec(0) = 60.0;
    T_vec(1) = 9.0;

    // settings

    mcmc::algo_settings_t settings;

    settings.aees_settings.n_initial_draws = 1000;
    settings.aees_settings.n_burnin_draws  = 1000;
    settings.aees_settings.n_keep_draws    = 20000;

    settings.aees_settings.n_rings = 11;
    settings.aees_settings.ee_prob_par = 0.05;
    settings.aees_settings.temper_vec = T_vec;

    settings.aees_settings.par_scale = 1.0;
    settings.aees_settings.cov_mat = 0.35 * Eigen::MatrixXd::Identity(n_vals, n_vals);


    Eigen::MatrixXd draws_out;

    mcmc::aees(mu.col(0), target_log_kernel, draws_out, &dta, settings);


    Eigen::Matrix<bool, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> pos_inds = (draws_out.array() > 0.1);

    Eigen::VectorXd mean_vec = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(2);

    for (int i = 0; i < n_vals; ++i) {
        for (size_t draw_ind = 0; draw_ind < settings.aees_settings.n_keep_draws; ++draw_ind) {
            if (pos_inds(draw_ind, i)) {
                mean_vec(i) += draws_out(draw_ind, i);
        mean_vec(i) /= pos_inds.col(i).count();

    std::cout << "posterior mean for > 0.1:\n" << mean_vec << std::endl;


    Eigen::Matrix<bool, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> neg_inds = (draws_out.array() < - 0.1);

    mean_vec = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(2);

    for (int i = 0; i < n_vals; ++i) {
        for (size_t draw_ind = 0; draw_ind < settings.aees_settings.n_keep_draws; ++draw_ind) {
            if (neg_inds(draw_ind, i)) {
                mean_vec(i) += draws_out(draw_ind, i);
        mean_vec(i) /= neg_inds.col(i).count();

    std::cout << "posterior mean for < - 0.1:\n" << mean_vec << std::endl;


    return 0;